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17th European White Dwarf Workshop: Variability and rotation in magnetic white dwarfs
Lawrie, Katherine (2010)
Lawrie K. "17th European White Dwarf Workshop: Variability and rotation in magnetic white dwarfs.", timms video, Universität Tübingen (2010): https://timms.uni-tuebingen.de:443/tp/UT_20100817_003_eurowd_0001. Accessed 09 Mar 2025.
Lawrie, K. (2010). 17th European White Dwarf Workshop: Variability and rotation in magnetic white dwarfs. timms video: Universität Tübingen. Retrieved March 09, 2025 from the World Wide Web https://timms.uni-tuebingen.de:443/tp/UT_20100817_003_eurowd_0001
Lawrie, K. (2010). 17th European White Dwarf Workshop: Variability and rotation in magnetic white dwarfs [Online video]. 17 August. Available at: https://timms.uni-tuebingen.de:443/tp/UT_20100817_003_eurowd_0001 (Accessed: 9 March 2025).
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title: 17th European White Dwarf Workshop: Variability and rotation in magnetic white dwarfs
alt. title: 17th European White Dwarf Workshop - White dwarf structure and evolution
creator: Lawrie, Katherine (author)
subjects: Astronomie, Physik, Astrophysik, Workshop, White Dwarf, variability, rotation, magnetic white dwarfs, Katherine Lawrie
description: 17th European White Dwarf Workshop, 16. bis 20. August 2010
abstract: Variability and Rotation in Magnetic White Dwarfs (K. Lawrie1, M. Burleigh1, C. Brinkworth2, T. Marsh3) (1Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Leicester, Leicester, UK, 2Spitzer Space Centre, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA, 3Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK) (We present a search for long term (months - years) photometric variability in a sample of 10 isolated magnetic white dwarfs using observations taken with the Liverpool Robotic Telescope between March 2005 and January 2007. These stars had previously been found to be photometrically stable on short (hours - one week) timescales (Brinkworth et al. 2007). We construct differential lightcurves and then use the CLEAN algorithm to generate periodograms to find the best-fitting periods. Photometric variability is detected in three of the targets during the observed timescale - G 227-28, G 240-72 and GD 229. The magnetic white dwarf G 240-72 has a probable period between 50-100 days and G 227-28 shows variations of ~2% over the observing seasons. We find no variability in the remaining 7 targets above the 1% level. Finally, we search for any correlations between the derived periods and the physical parameters of the magnetic white dwarfs: magnetic field strength, temperature, mass and age.
publisher: ZDV Universität Tübingen
contributor: ZDV Universität Tübingen (producer)
creation date: 2010-08-17
dc type: image
localtype: video
identifier: UT_20100817_003_eurowd_0001
language: eng
rights: Url: https://timmsstatic.uni-tuebingen.de/jtimms/TimmsDisclaimer.html?638770890361954968