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17th European White Dwarf Workshop: First Results of the WIRED Survey
Debes, John (2010)
Debes J. "17th European White Dwarf Workshop: First Results of the WIRED Survey.", timms video, Universität Tübingen (2010): https://timms.uni-tuebingen.de:443/tp/UT_20100817_010_eurowd_0001. Accessed 09 Mar 2025.
Debes, J. (2010). 17th European White Dwarf Workshop: First Results of the WIRED Survey. timms video: Universität Tübingen. Retrieved March 09, 2025 from the World Wide Web https://timms.uni-tuebingen.de:443/tp/UT_20100817_010_eurowd_0001
Debes, J. (2010). 17th European White Dwarf Workshop: First Results of the WIRED Survey [Online video]. 17 August. Available at: https://timms.uni-tuebingen.de:443/tp/UT_20100817_010_eurowd_0001 (Accessed: 9 March 2025).
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title: 17th European White Dwarf Workshop: First Results of the WIRED Survey
alt. title: 17th European White Dwarf Workshop - White dwarf catalogs and surveys
creator: Debes, John (author)
subjects: Astronomie, Physik, Astrophysik, Workshop, White Dwarf, WIRED Survey, John Debes
description: 17th European White Dwarf Workshop, 16. bis 20. August 2010
abstract: First Results of the WIRED Survey (J. Debes1,2, D. W. Hoard3, S. Wachter3, D. T. Leisawitz1, M. Cohen4) (1NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, 2NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow, 3Spitzer Science Center, California Institute of Technology, 4Monterey Institute for Research in Astronomy) TheWISE IR Excesses around Degenerates (WIRED) Survey has been designed to find low mass companions and dusty disks around white dwarfs using NASA’s Wide-field Infared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission. WISE has covered approximately 70% of its planned scan of the IR sky, and we have currently crosscorrelated the SDSS DR4 white dwarf catalogue with 2MASS, UKIDSS, and WISE photometry to identify candidate excess sources. We present some candidate excess sources that have already been identified with WISE detections.
publisher: ZDV Universität Tübingen
contributor: ZDV Universität Tübingen (producer)
creation date: 2010-08-17
dc type: image
localtype: video
identifier: UT_20100817_010_eurowd_0001
language: eng
rights: Url: https://timmsstatic.uni-tuebingen.de/jtimms/TimmsDisclaimer.html?638770889773488982