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ALLC/ACH 2002 - Banquet in Bebenhausen
Short, Harold; Sperberg-McQueen, Christopher M.; Unsworth, John (2002)
Short H., et al. "ALLC/ACH 2002 - Banquet in Bebenhausen.", timms video, Universität Tübingen (2002): https://timms.uni-tuebingen.de:443/tp/UT_20020726_001_allcach2002_0001. Accessed 12 Jan 2025.
Short, H., Sperberg-McQueen, C. & Unsworth, J. (2002). ALLC/ACH 2002 - Banquet in Bebenhausen. timms video: Universität Tübingen. Retrieved January 12, 2025 from the World Wide Web https://timms.uni-tuebingen.de:443/tp/UT_20020726_001_allcach2002_0001
Short, H., Sperberg-McQueen, C. and Unsworth, J. (2002). ALLC/ACH 2002 - Banquet in Bebenhausen [Online video]. 26 July. Available at: https://timms.uni-tuebingen.de:443/tp/UT_20020726_001_allcach2002_0001 (Accessed: 12 January 2025).
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title: ALLC/ACH 2002 - Banquet in Bebenhausen
alt. title: New Directions in Humanities Computing, Joint International Conference of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing and the Association for Computers and the Humanities, University of Tübingen 24-28 July 2002
creators: Short, Harold (author), Sperberg-McQueen, Christopher M. (author), Unsworth, John (author)
subjects: ALLC/ACH 2002, Humanities Computing, Linguistic Computing
description: Banquet in Bebenhausen
publisher: ZDV Universität Tübingen
contributors: ZDV Universität Tübingen (producer), ALLC (organizer), ACH (organizer), Ott, Wilhelm (organizer)
creation date: 2002-07-26
dc type: image
localtype: video
identifier: UT_20020726_001_allcach2002_0001
language: eng
rights: Url: https://timmsstatic.uni-tuebingen.de/jtimms/TimmsDisclaimer.html?638723156021374314